Our course. Your best day ever.
Course Information
The 26.2-mile Classic City Marathon course and the 13.1-mile Classic City Half Marathon course start together in historic downtown Athens, in front of the Classic Center. While the two courses split early on, the marathoners rejoin the half marathoners at several points, and the last ~6 miles of the courses are the same. Both courses run through our downtown streets, vibrant communities, university campuses, and scenic greenways, with many bands and Cheer Zones along the way. In the final miles of your race, you will be greeted by our energetic Greek Life (sorority and fraternity) historic homes, as you run up Milledge Avenue returning to downtown Athens. The races finish at the Classic Center.
Starting Line: All races start in front of the Classic Center in downtown Athens, near 510 North Thomas Street.
Finish Line: The finish line is at the corner of Dougherty Street and Foundry Street, behind the Classic Center.
Gear Check, Restrooms, Packet Pick-Up, the Expo, and Post-Race Recovery and Celebrations are all inside the Classic Center. Port-a-potties will also be set up outside near the Starting Line, at water stops and aid stations, and near the Finish Line.
USATF Certified Courses
Yes. The marathon course and the half marathon courses are both certified by the USATF.
Marathon Certification ID: #GA23081WC
Half-Marathon Certification ID: #GA23082WC
Marathon Course Map
Half Marathon Course Map
More Course Information and Options
You might also want to explore the Strava map of the marathon course, the Strava map of the half marathon course, or our long-form narrative description of the courses.
Strava maps of each relay leg are linked from the Relay Teams page.
Download the RaceJoy app and set it up with your supporters before race day, if you want them to be able to follow your progress on the course. (Then don’t forget to run with your phone on race day!)
Timing Services
Professional chip timing services will be provided by Classic Race Services, the premier race management company in North Georgia. Timing mats and other tracking systems will be placed at the start line, finish line, relay exchange points, and other key locations along the course.
Nutrition and Hydration on the Course
GU energy gels will be provided on the course in flavors salted caramel (with caffeine), vanilla (with caffeine), raspberry lemonade (no caffeine), and strawberry banana (no caffeine). Real bananas will also be available at about Mile 20 of the marathon.
A Note from Dr. Emily Noble, Association Director:
“Nutrition is critical during exercise. I recommend that runners train with the fuel you will use during race day, and carry plenty of what you will need, in addition to watching for the nutrition stops along the course.”
Water and electrolyte drinks will be available every 2-3 miles along the course.
We are proud to use Hiccup silicone cups at all water stops! They are single-use during the race: Take one from a volunteer, drink what you need, and toss it in a bin. After the race, they will be collected, sanitized, and re-used, instead of dumped in a landfill!
All the Other Support You Need
Aid and Emergency Services
Trained volunteers and professionals, including physicians and other specialized personnel from Piedmont Athens Regional healthcare services, will be on the course providing first aid and emergency services. Medical and emergency communications will be provided throughout the day by Athens Radio Club.
Bands, DJs, and Cheer Zones
Course support includes keeping you motivated! Watch for local bands and DJs, specially organized Cheer Zones, and all the silly signs and cowbells Athens can muster!
The Home-Stretch Mile
The final mile of the courses, as runners leave Milledge Avenue and head through downtown toward the Classic Center, includes Hancock Avenue and then a couple blocks on Strong Street! You can do it. Watch for flags, signs, and a special competition for the male and female full marathoner, and male and female half marathoner, who can finish strong and cover the final mile of their long race in the best time!
Indoor Post-Race Recovery, Celebrations, and Continuing Expo
After the race, come inside the Classic Center to warm up and cool down! You will find water, quick snacks, more substantial recovery food, and an awesome indoor space with many other family-friendly options and activities. Stretch, relax, find your friends, take some photos with your medal, and enjoy the band! Many of the vendors from Friday’s Expo will be open again from 8:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. on Saturday.
And a Post-Post-Race After Party!
After-Party at Creature Comforts Brewery, 271 W. Hancock Ave., from 5 to 7 pm Saturday night, featuring Athens favorite The Original Splitz Band. Can you still dance after finishing your marathon?
🛡️ What are all these details about?
Are you looking at the course information and feeling a little blank? Don’t worry! The more you race, they more you’ll understand the details. Here are some questions we often ask ourselves as we are registering for a race, with some explanations of what it all means.
How is the course shaped? Some courses are “out-and-back” (you head out and then turn around to finish at the start), some are “point-to-point” (start at one place and end at another), and some are big loops (usually one time around, starting and ending at the same place, but sometimes you’ll run around the same loop twice or even more). The lululemon Classic City Marathon and Half Marathon are each basically one big complicated loop (there’s some fancy stuff in the middle, but you will start and end at the Classic Center in downtown Athens, covering your course once). Loops make for easier planning, because you’ll end up back where you started!
What is the elevation profile? Another thing to consider on a course is the “elevation” or, specifically, the changes in elevation during the race. Some courses are closer to flat. Others (like ours! welcome to our beloved northeast-Georgia Piedmont region!) include some uphils and some downhills. Flat courses can be faster, if you are prepared to run flat for the entire distance, but courses with some hills give your legs the advantage of using different muscles at different times. Try to train on terrain similar to the terrain your race will cover.
How are the different races and courses related? Some race days, like ours, include multiple races of multiple distances. How does that work? Sometimes the shorter course is part of the longer course, or sometimes the longer race means running twice around the shorter course. Sometimes one race starts earlier than another. If your friend is running a different distance on the same day, these details matter a lot! In our case, all races start together, at the same time, and use the same course for about a mile. After that, the lululemon Classic City Half Marathon course follows what we call the “heart” of the full-marathon course (which means that marathoners will run most of the half marathon course plus also some marathon-only sections). Slower half-marathoners and faster marathoners will end up running the last 6 miles or so of our courses together, after the courses rejoin for the last time. Marathon relay teams will split up but otherwise follow the same course as individual marathoners.
Is the course certified? A “USATF-certified” course has been measured at least twice by a trained expert and approved by the USATF, the major track and field governing organization in the United States. This detail matters for many reasons, including that it tends to mark more professional and better organized races. It also matters because you might want to use your finish time from one race when you apply for another. (Sometimes race organizers use previous times to assign you to a starting “wave” or “corral” with people who run approximately your same pace; sometimes you are only allowed to apply to run a race if you can show that you’ve already finished another one with a fast enough time.) And be ready, if the lululemon Classic City Marathon or Half Marathon is your first long race: Certification experts use the “tangents” at corners, or measure the shortest possible way to run on a given road. The distance on your GPS watch on race day will almost certainly indicate that you actually ran more than 13.1 or 26.2 miles.
What kind of support is there? Distance races almost always provide much more than a starting line and a finish line. As you explore different races, make sure they offer water stops, quick snacks or nutrition on the course, port-a-potties, and medical support along the way. The location of the race provides support, too: If you genuinely prefer running alone on country roads, you can find races that allow you to do that, but most races take place within towns or cities so observers can gather to cheer you on. Our races have a few quiet miles on our lovely greenways but are mostly in town, with plenty of support of all kinds!
Support the Classic City Runners.
Not running the lululemon Classic City Marathon this year? We hope you’ll join us in cheering on runners during their big day! Crowd support is an incredible motivator for runners - you can make a difference in someone’s race! We’ve got a whole guide dedicated to our spectators so that you can navigate the race like a pro. Get your signs ready and get out there!