Go Greek. Go Run.
The Classic City Marathon is proud to present a special registration for Greek Life runners. This marathon relay option allows for Greek groups to register in teams of four - competing in the Greek Life Group on race day. The top three groups to place in the marathon relay will receive a special team prize.
What You’ll Need
To register your Greek Team, you’ll need to fill out the team registration. Before you start - your team should assign a team captain and a team name. Your team name must include some aspect of the group that you’re representing. (For example, the Dynamite Deltas.) Once you have your team, the captain will register the group. After you register, please send an email to macyclabaugh@gmail.com and include a copy of your registration as well as your roster and team name.
Create a team and
assign a team captain.
Captains register
the team.
Email us with your roster
and the team name.
Greek Life, Greek Run
The Classic City Marathon has a Greek Life Relay competition! Chapter members can participate in the competition in one of three ways: running the marathon relay on a chapter representative team, cheering on participants at a cheer zone, or volunteering with the marathon on behalf of your chapter. The winning chapter of the competition will be awarded $1000 to either their chapter's respective UGA Miracle team OR their philanthropy.
Points towards the competition can be earned in a variety of ways.
Greek Relay
Fastest Team
1st: 30 points
2nd: 20 points
3rd: 10 points
Most Participants
1st: 30 points
2nd: 20 points
3rd: 10 points
Best Banner (either hung at house or chosen cheer zone if your chapter does not have a house or have a house on the route)
1st: 20 points
2nd: 10 points
3rd: 5 points
Best Sash/Outfit (team sashes or costumes are encouraged but not required)
1st: 15 points
2nd: 10 points
3rd: 5 points
Cheer Zone (chapters are encouraged to host a cheer zone throughout the race, can be outside your chapter facility or at any spot along the course)
Extra 20 points to chapter that hosts a Cheer Zone (3+ people at spot the entirety of race)
# of volunteers per chapter
21 + : 30 points
11-20: 20 points
5-10 : 10 points
< 5: 1 point per volunteer
When signing up your relay team, ensure your chapter name is incorporated in your team name so that your chapter is identifiable. If your chapter would like to host a cheer zone or you would like to sign up to volunteer on behalf of your chapter, please email macyclabaugh@gmail.com