Go Greek. Go Run.
The lululemon Classic City Marathon is proud to present special opportunities for Greek Life volunteers and runners to have some fun, contribute to the Athens community, and compete for special chapter prizes!
Earn points for your chapter by cheering, hanging a fun banner on your house, or volunteering for a water stop or in any other role. Or earn points for your chapter by running the marathon or the half marathon! Groups of four chapter members can even create a Greek Life Marathon Relay Team.
(The race course uses Milledge Avenue and River Road.)
Read all the details below… and then get to work adding up points toward special prizes for your chapter’s UGA Miracle team or your other philanthropy!
To Run a Greek Life Relay Team
To register your 4-person Greek Life Relay Team, first register for the marathon relay and then also let us know that you want chapter points!
First, choose a team captain and a team name. Your team name must include some aspect of the group that you’re representing (for example, the Dynamite Deltas).
Your captain will register the group and pay the registration fee to be in the marathon relay. (Team members then reimburse your captain!)
Your house can register as many marathon relay teams as you like (give them slightly different names).
After you register, please email macyclabaugh@gmail.com . Send a copy of your registration, as well as your chapter name, relay team roster, and team name.
To Create a Cheer Zone
A Cheer Zone is a space outside your chapter’s house on Milledge, on River Road, or anywhere else along the race course, where you commit to having at least three people on the street making some noise during the entire race. More than 3 is even better, and you can certainly take turns during the morning, as long as there are never fewer than 3 people out there. Cheer Zones need banners or costumes or signs or music. You are sharing your energy with the runners to keep them motivated — and earning points toward possible chapter prizes!
If your chapter wants to host a Cheer Zone at your house or anywhere else, please email macyclabaugh@gmail.com .
To Volunteer for the Race
A marathon needs hundreds of volunteers to hand out water cups, point the right direction on the course, or help runners find food and water at the finish line. You can help make a marathon and earn points toward special chapter prizes!
Read about the many volunteer spots and sign up. You can sign up as an individual or as a group of any 2 or more people.
After you have signed up to volunteer, let us know that you want chapter points! Email macyclabaugh@gmail.com and tell her your name(s) or how many people, your chapter, and what you volunteered for.
Greek Life Competition Points, Details, and Prizes
As you run, run with your relay team, host a Cheer Zone, volunteer, or help the lululemon Classic City Marathon in the other ways detailed here, you will be earning points for your chapter in the Greek Life Marathon Competition! The three top-scoring chapters will receive a donation of $1500 (Highest score), $1000 (Second), or $500 (Third) to either their chapter's UGA Miracle team or their other philanthropy!
Here’s how to earn points for your chapter. Work together to add up as many as you can!
Run Any Race — Including on Greek Life Relay Teams
Fastest Greek Life Relay Team
1st: 30 points
2nd: 20 points
3rd: 10 points
Most Race-Day Participants (across any/all events: marathon, half marathon, and relay)
1st: 30 points
2nd: 20 points
3rd: 10 points
Spirit and Cheer Zones
Best Banner (hung at your house, or hung at your chosen Cheer Zone if your chapter does not have a house on the route)
1st: 20 points
2nd: 10 points
3rd: 5 points
Best Sash/Outfit (not required, but have some fun! make yourselves seen! points for being creative or noticeable while you run or cheer!)
1st: 15 points
2nd: 10 points
3rd: 5 points
Cheer Zone (chapters are encouraged to host a Cheer Zone throughout the race; can be outside your chapter facility or at any spot along the course)
20 points for hosting a Cheer Zone (3+ people at spot the entirety of race)
Points based on number of registered volunteers per chapter
21 or more people from your chapter serve as volunteers: 30 points
11-20: 20 points
5-10 : 10 points
< 5: 1 point per volunteer
Remember: We need to know what you are doing to be able to give you points! If you are still reading, email macyclabaugh@gmail.com. When you register your Greek Life Relay Team to run, ensure your chapter name is incorporated in your team name so that your chapter is identifiable, and email Macy. If you are running the half marathon or the full marathon and want your chapter to get points for your run, email Macy. If your chapter would like to host a Cheer Zone or if you have signed up to volunteer on behalf of your chapter, email Macy. If you are going to put a banner on your house, email Macy. Any questions? Email Macy!