Sustainability in Motion.

The lululemon Classic City Marathon values sustainability for runners, spectators, our community, and our entire planet.

Our 2025 Races were officially “Zero Waste” Events!

(Defined as less than 10% of the materials generated by the events being sent to landfill.)

Here’s how we did it — and how we will aim for Zero Waste again for 2026!

Hiccup Reusable Cups at Water Stops  

On-course hydration for runners will feature reusable silicone cups at all aid stations.  During the race, these cups are “single use” – Grab a cup, drink what you want, and toss it into a collection bin.  Post race, these cups are returned to Hiccup HQ where they are washed and sanitized to be used at another event! No cups to landfills!

Composting and Recycling All Weekend

Our three-bin systems will help you manage compost, recycling, and trash! Drop your banana peels, other food waste, and compostable plates and napkins into the compost bin. Recycle any plastic, glass, or aluminum. There shouldn’t be much left for the trash!

How else can you help us Run Athens Green?

Other Sustainability Initiatives 

The Athens Classic Center, site of the Expo and the Finish Area Celebrations, is a Green Meetings Site and LEED Certified, with new solar panels and many other sustainability initiatives and programs.

Vendors at the Finish Area Celebrations will serve food using compostable plates, napkins, and other items.

All clothing tossed at the start and on the course will be collected and donated to local charities.

Our medals and medal ribbons were made from 100% recycled material!

Runners can opt out of a medal at registration, if you do not want a medal to keep. We will make a donation to the FireFly Trail for every medal we save from a landfill.

Marathon finishers will receive compostable laurel wreaths when they cross the finish line.

Runners will receive virtual race bags in place of physical ones, to reduce waste.